A lot of people who don't consder alterations (particularly those that improve
performance) a bad thing - include me in that crowd. Many of our little cars
started getting altered as soon as they found their first homes - why fight it?
Of course, I enjoy a nice fenderless flat-head Deuce more than a perfectly
resored '32 Ford too. I certainly appreciate them both, just one more than the
- David
David Ramsey <dwramsey@att.net> wrote:
I guess it was a couple of years ago that BJ sold a resale red 1275/5-speed
disc car for over 30k. In the same sale an Iris blue 948/snoothcase drum car
restored to the same level sold for less than 15k. During the same period I
couldn't get 6k for my all original 61 in its Iris blue factory paint.
Why, Buster?? CLONES of Muscle Cars go for UN-believable amounts!!
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