Most of the fine thread fasteners with heads sized for Whitworth
wrenches are BSF or British Standard Fine. Once in awhile, not often,
you will run across a coarse thread that takes a Whitworth wrench.
Those are most often BSW or British Standard Whitworth. There is also
a BSC which you would think is British Standard Coarse but its not.
It's British Standard Cycle and is a fine thread, most (regardless of
size) are 26 threads per inch. There is also BA (British
Association), a small size series found in elctrical parts and, I
think, some places on SU carb linkage.
For you MGT people, there's Nuffield metric but that's for another day.
A good source for these fasteners and tools in British Tools and
Fasteners at (NFI)
In response to the original question, Moss has the screws you are
looking for. Tools too but they are pretty pricey.
Marv J
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