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Re: [Spridgets] After OSHIT

To: "Bob & Linda" <r_l_campion@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] After OSHIT
From: "Linda Grunthaner" <grunthaner@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 21:29:37 -0400
Check with Alan Fisher on the list for that part

On 9/22/07, Bob & Linda <r_l_campion@hotmail.com> wrote:
> This car is nothing but fun.
> After my OSHIT, it passed inspection.
> Then I worked on the speedometer a few times, got it working, and it is
> still
> working.
> Then I decided to cover the ugly hole where a radio used to be, and today
> I
> finished installing a new AM/FM with CD.  Linda is not fond of the boxes
> holding the speakers behind the seat, so I might be changing them out.
> In the process of doing this, I replace the cardboard "wall" in the trunk
> with
> plywood.  Now the back looks a lot better, and the material that is there
> is
> stapled to the plywood, and can't flap in the breeze.
> The dash looks great again, and of course the car is running great.
> However, when I turn the wheel just right, of pull on the dash, the horn
> blows.
> So, I am looking for a horn push, or the little spring like things that
> hold
> it in the wheel.  I am using tape, but in the hot weather it stretches and
> the
> push pops out.  Anyone out there have something they are willing to part
> with?
> Next, the drivers seat broke.  There is a tube of sorts where the seat
> tips
> forward, and it broke.  Anyone have anything, or any idea of what is the
> best
> fix?
> All in the day of an LBC.  What fun.  I am going for ice cream tomorrow.
> Bob
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