My bonnet has been popping loose when driving around - thankfully the
safety catch is in working order!
I noticed one of the hinges was a bit loose and corrected that, but
continue to have the problem.
Tonight while browsing the Terry Horler book I noticed in one of the
pictures there's a cup above the latch. Then I browsed the pictures
of various cars I've seen on the Internet and see that all of them
have one too. I'm guessing this serves in part to keep the bonnet
stable by snugging around the spring on the bonnet lock pin. Is that
Looking at my car again I can now faintly see an outline in the paint
where my car once had one of these cups but it was removed by the DPO
for whatever reason.
By any chance do any of you have one laying around on a parts car
you'd care to part with?
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