Perfect, Jac!!
<<The only reason why I don't have a Ferrari or a Lamborghini is not the fear
of them braking down...>>
Somebody earlier (Archives are not available yet!) mentioned Ferrari NEW Owner
getting one set of keys and mechanic the other. Reminds me of an event on a
VERY nice night last summer right here in my little berg.
I go to one of my favorite watering holes to meet a buddy. When I arrive
there is an Enzo parked in front with Asian crap on either side in front of
said watering hole.
I parked on the other side of the street in the bright sunlight.
"Gent" is inside "holding court" LOUDLY. Knew his sh*t didn't stink type<G>!
He defiantly was "on a mission" to show-up another idiot that has a chrome
yellow Lambo!! And I mean he was on a mission!!!
Bartender confides he has had SEVERAL Scotch & waters. About then one of the
Assistent Managers wanders up to the front, spies the Enzo which is directly
outside the front door across the sidewalk. He goes out, walks around it,
peers in, and is drooling. So he comes back inside and approaches said "Gent"
and askes to see the interior better than just thru the windows and also
Outside they go and A/M gets a "tour" and is even allowed to sit in it.
"Tour" over and they return. "Gent" has two more and decides time to go.
Pays his tab and out the door he goes. Mind you, me and buddy are watching
this thru LARGE picture window(s). He gets in car and tries to start the
Enzo. I can see his face plainly and the look is NOT happy!!
Well, right at this time Bill and I had paid tabs and are leaving. He has
hopped out and out of back "storage area" has grabbed a PowerPac and small
tool kit AND popped the bonnet. The above mention A/M has also come out at
same time me & Bill and is asking the "Gent" what's wrong!?!?
"Gent" says, "Battery is dead. Happens all the time."
Mind you, Enzo is in the shadows of the building and Amber sits across in the
setting in the setting sunlight just a glow!!
So as he was starting to bend over his bonnet to dig out the access to the
battery I walked by and said,
"Gee, I going over to my 27 years old Chevy and drive home. Need any help?"
NO reply but Bill and the A/M where DYING!!! So of course, start Amber and
"rap the pipes" a couple times and sedatly drive away LMAO!!
Me in a $12k car and him jump starting a million+ $ car.
STILL love it!!