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Re: Some tuning help, perhaps?

To: Blake Field <blakeafield@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Some tuning help, perhaps?
From: Lester <lewing@sport.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 12:40:13 -0500
I hate to ask the basic question:

Are you trying to use the fuel that has been in the tank for the last  
"couple of years"?  And if not, check the fuel for water contamination.


On Mar 11, 2007, at 6:39 PM, Blake Field wrote:

> Greetings:
> I have a 1960 AH Sprite, 1275 engine, pertronix ignition, and Weber  
> 45 DCOE. New plugs, new wires.  After a couple of years in various  
> states of repair, I've recently fired the engine up. It starts and  
> idles fairly well. However, any application of any throttle  
> whatsoever causes it to bog down.  No matter what I do I can't get  
> it to go above idle.  Even when I try to advance the idle adjuster  
> screw to make it run a bit faster, it bogs down. Goosing it won't  
> work; it just bogs.  Any ideas as to what I should be looking for/ 
> doing to correct this situation?
> Thanks,
> Blake

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