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Re: Car Names Explained

To: Mike Rambour <mikey@b2systems.com>
Subject: Re: Car Names Explained
From: b-evans@earthlink.net
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 23:16:23 -0800
     Mike Rambour wrote:  "....you can't tell me that a 2007 Mustang has 
anything at all to do with a 1966 Mustang

It is only important in understanding the badge's evolution and 
heritage, and that does mean quite a bit.

     Mike Rambour continues, "Same goes for name re-using...I don't 
think it should be allowed"

Don't forget, Donald Healey had to purchase the name "Sprite" from 
another can manufacturer tbecause the name had been used on one of its 
models 20 years or more earlier.  (Unfortunately, the name escapes me, 
but it is too late at night to look it up.)

Buster Evans

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