There's a Polka version too!
> From: "conan" <>
> Reply-To: "conan" <>
> Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2006 21:09:46 -0500
> To: "Spridgets" <>
> Subject: re: Obscure MP3s (More!) - No LBC
> Okay, since we're getting onto lost music... :-)
> There were both Bluegrass and (mild) Rock versions of songs who's main theme
> was to NOT marry a -pretty- woman (if you want to be happy). ;-)
> I do not know who did either song and have never even heard the bluegrass
> version.
> The chorus(?) of the rock version includes the lines:
> If you want to be happy for the rest of your life,
> never make a pret-ty woman your wife.
> So from my particular point of view
> get an ugly girl to marry you!
> I would like to locate a copy of each of these, especially the bluegrass
> version, for my brother. (He never heard of the rock version, I never heard
> of the bluegrass version. May be totally different songs.
> Interestingly, I like bluegrass better than rock. My brother likes rock
> better than bluegrass. :-) :-) :-)
> We have no idea who did either song or their actual titles!
> Anyone else know?
> Ed in NC
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