Back in the Mesozoic Era, most of us removed our Bugeye front bumper (we
called them an "amputation bar"), and with it the front license plate.
No big problem back in the early 60's, because many states did not
require either. Although later California required a front license, I
didn't worry because I either had press photographer license plates, or
was a cop. After 1972, California required a front bumper if it the
vehicle was originally equipped with one, but it might be possible to
tell a cop that the cars were not originally equipped with a bumper. It
is even possible to back that up with a Xerox copy of one of the
original English road tests that said the bumper was an option.
The license issue was always a more difficult one, but I have now solved
that problem. When the Sprite was first produced in England, a license
plate holder that bolted to the bonnet, just below the grille. I
finally ordered one from AH Spares ( XOBP109 PLINTH-number plate
mounting) Looks great and meets the license plate needs just fine.
Buster Evans