--- David Lieb <dbl@chicagolandmgclub.com> wrote:
> curling rink. Might as
> well live in Florida ;-)
I was a little stunned with a few off-list emails that
didn't get that I was being sarcastic in my response
(David pointed out that my dead-pan is getting a
little too polished). My point (and David's) is that
the shock link holds half your car together, and if it
breaks you will get hurt or die. Shocks from Peter are
ridiculously cheap, and anyone with any question about
the integrity of theirs should buy them. If you don't
care about safety, anything wrong with that link will
severely affect your handling and tire wear. I have
also seen people do some weird sh!t to those arms to
get adjustable camber - that's not a good idea.
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