if it's a factory race car , wich it could possibly be , that car has
incredible value starting with the fact of it being a factory car weither
it was a winner at some event or never raced being a back up car that was
never raced by the factory. throw into the mix of "what's it worth" ,
who drove the car and who has owned the car after the car was sold could be
rather shocking as to what it might really be worth!
homoligation papers are easily gotten as they "state" the car's specific
specifications wich the FIA requires the car to meet! i have period
homoligation papers for my 1960 saab 93F , wich were sent to me from saabs
factory museum curator.
there are a lot of copies or fake racing cars out there in the world right
now. some poor unsuspecting buyers have been taken by these fake cars
thinking they were buying the real car! possibly aquiring a BMHT for
the car would be a good start and possibly log books with events & dates to
trace it's history.
> [Original Message]
> From: Jim Johnson <bmwwxman@gmail.com>
> To: Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
> Date: 9/3/2006 10:14:42 AM
> Subject: Fwd: [midgetsprite] AH value and cooler cap
> Gang,
> Can anyone help this guy out? He is in Helsinki, Finland and
> apparently owns a MKIII Sprite factory racer.... Alan EJ, Know
> anything about homologated Sprites??
> Cheers!!
> Jim - 68 Midget in Dodge City
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jim Johnson <bmwwxman@gmail.com>
> Date: Sep 3, 2006 9:07 AM
> Subject: Re: [midgetsprite] AH value and cooler cap
> To: midgetsprite@yahoogroups.com
> On 9/3/06, Jukka Selenius <jukkaselenius@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > What kind of cooler cap should I get to get my cooler work properly?
Lbs of
> > the spring or other identification.
> > Does anyone know how much Austin Heley Sprite MK III FIA homologated
> > crs are paid. I have been offered to cahnge it into Austin Cooper S
race car
> > and I should konow some price of my rarity.
> >
> > Please ansewer somebody something. Last time I got none ansewers.
> > jukkaselenius@hotmail.com
> >
> > Jukka, Helsinki
> Jukka,
> I have cross posted your question to the "Spridgets" autox group as
> there are a number of racers over there who may be able to help you
> with your question about homologation. I would think, though, that an
> AH Sprite MKIII homologated by AH would be worth a considerable sum
> over and above the standard street version AH. Here in the US it is
> rare to see mention of homologation - we often call such vehicles
> "factory" race cars.
> Concerning the "Cooler" cap, I'm guessing the English equivalent
> would be "radiator"??? My first question (since the car is a
> homologated car) would be - "Is it a standard radiator or is it
> something special for racing"? If the latter, you are way beyond my
> ability to answer. Perhaps one of our racers out there can help....