In my searchese on this car,, I did come across a hit for someone doing
recreations. It was someone who also does C and D-types.
jay fishbein
wallingford, ct Now, New and Improved
-----Original Message-----
>From: Larry Daniels <>
>Sent: Aug 23, 2006 7:38 PM
>To: Spridget List <>, Jay Fishbein
><>, Ron Soave <>
>Subject: Re: The Most Beautiful British Car?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ron Soave" <>
>Subject: Re: The Most Beautiful British Car?
>There was one at Road America in July. It is the
>single most beautiful car I have ever seen.
>--- Jay Fishbein <> wrote:
>> --
>> jay fishbein
>> wallingford, ct
>You know, it's kind of funny, Porasik, Soave, Peter C and I all just
>salivated over that car at Road America. It was absolutely drop-dead
>gorgeous. Why doesn't a car company (Jaguar, in this case) produce a car
>like that for the road? It would certainly be a huge hit.
>Also at Road America that day we saw Chuck Beck's Spyder. He does great
>work on his repros (ask Peter about the 550 Spyder Chuck had there). Why
>wouldn't he do a repro of the XJ13? He is presently doing a repro of a 904.
>As much as I like the 904, I would think an XJ13 would be every bit as
>popular, if not more so.
>So many beautiful cars and concepts that the public goes ape over and they
>don't produce them. Hey, we are waiting here with money in hand just
>waiting for them to make something we will buy. I don't get it.
jay fishbein
wallingford, ct