.....Robert D. Gardner wrote: " saw a bumper sticker the other day that
said, "My grandson beat the S**T out of the student of the month at
XXXXXXX Elementary School".
I dunno, Bob, but I guess I am a stick-in-the-mud, but I don't find any
humor in a grandparent extolling the virtues of a any child with kind of
behavior. Al l it does is encourage a kid to act that way. I guess it
goes back to the Lynwood School District, an the inner city elementary
school where Pam taught until her accident. There, her last full year
was a good one, for there were only two bullet holes in her second grade
classroom, where a .38 was taken off of a fifth grader, where the
principal of another school was murdered by a kid, where they have Code
Orange drills when the school is invaded by another school's gang and
the kids have to duck and cover and the teacher has to lock the door
before going under her desk, where top district administrators are led
away in handcuffs for graft, bribery, and embezzelment. No, I just
object to anything that glorifies or encourages anti-social behavior in
the schools.
But as I say, I guess I am a stick-in-the-mud. But I also have to sadly
admit that when I first saw that bumper sticker, for one brief moment I
also thought it was a hoot!