After a long spell of insanity, I sold the other cars, popped a new
battery and fuel pump into the Sprite last night, and today it's the
daily driver again. Actually, it's the only driver. Sure is a good
Also, I have figured out a new way to make money. I am going to hire
myself out to all the municipalities and farming communities that are
suffering through hot and dry periods. I'll park the Sprite there for
a few weeks, long enough to remove it from the role of "daily
driver", then drop by, fire 'er up and get half way between points A
and B, and hey presto! instant rain! I think I should charge
handsomely for this service. It sure worked in Atlanta today.
I drove the Sprite daily from 1997 to 2004, "broke down" twice - once
when I was horsing around and snapped a half-shaft and another time
when I was horsing round and threw the battery off its shelf, pulling
the cables off (learned about battery boxes and hold downs that day.
Whuh? It's supposed to have those??).
So to those wondering whether these cars can be daily drivers, the
answer is YES, but you have to drive them daily! You know, this Zen
stuff really works if you let it. ;)
And Frank, I STILL have not installed the new carb and tested your
needles. WhattawankerIam! I WILL fish or cut bait before the Fall
driving season. Thanks for your patience.
PS: Can you believe that fuel pump went out on me just because it's
42 years old and I let it sit for 2 years??
PPS: This may have come up on the list already (sorry, I've been
gone), but I can attest that the Mazda Miata battery is an excellent
Spridget battery. Small, light, and powerful. The starts are nearly
Jeffrey H. Boatright, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Ophthalmology
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta, GA 30322
Molecular Vision