There was some thing on this subject a while back in the Morris Motors group.
With the set up you (she) has in the traveler. The Datsun model that run one
that motor might work. I would think the space in the Morris would support the
unit. May be Mr Paul (Morris) A from Oregon could help. He has the most
experience with the Datsun motor conversion and Morris vehicles. Paul told me
there was some one was running a Morris with air in Texas. So it can be done. I
think there was I do not know any more then that about it.
There is always the old style swamp coolers.
If you want to see more there is a company hat makes new units. Some even
have an electric fan. I o not have the link here. It is on my home computer. I
had one of these on a old sedan and it worked. Not like regular air. But it did
put enough water in the air to cool the car.
Glen Byrns <> wrote:
The Morris woody aquited itself so well on this recent trip (900 miles!)
I decided that an AC unit wouldn't overtax the cooling system. Has anyone got
any experience with an aftermarket AC kit? Vintage Air makes a nice one that
I've seen on a Mini. Any others with direct experience?
My wife switches over to the new MINI when the temps get over 90, but with an
AC, it could serve the whole summer.
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