74 midget
Does anyone have any suggestions as to the availability and necessity of
replacing the original metal clutch hydraulic lines?
Not going to do it yet but..
The piping in the upper left of the engine compartment has been pushed
around / rubbed but the hood hinge for an unknown time. But even more
threatening is the overly rusted screw-to-screw combo that connects the
metal hydraulic pipes to the actual master cylinder.
After multiple bleed methodologies, bleeding tools and great advice from the
list I am just about there. I have replaced every single hose, seal and the
slave. I am going to go ahead and switch out the master but then I am going
to have to cry uncle.
I know the typical is to think I am just not bleeding it right. But after
the amount of times that I have done it and gotten close but no clutch
disengagement I got to say
AAAAAaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggghhhhh !!!!
Plus upon getting REAL close (pressure hard on the clutch, no more big
bubbles to be found) I can almost just about CREATE bubbles from somewhere
up around the master cylinder. I can hear a click and a sucking sound and
then sure enoughan air bubble will make it through. I am almost certain I
am pulling this air through a leak somewhere. Plus its disallowing full
Not crying wolf,