"You got work for him?"
I believe my mechanic, who bought his new
garge around the corner from my crib 'bout
10-12 years ago gave him some considering
the good deal of "contaminated" ground fill he sent to your bro's place under
the auspices of the CT EPA, thereby contributing to your bro's firm's financial
(Tony Soprano's in "Waste Management"
also, isn't he??:):)
Garage he bought used to be a gas station and was represented as "clean".
Turned out
to be other than represented on inspection.
CT State EPA "Superfund" paid for it and went after the old owner/firm who'd
previously done/signed off on the work.
Couldn't believe at the time the closest place the "stuff" could be dropped
from So.
CT was Albany, NY. Musta been your bro's
place. Many, many trucks over
as many days.....cost of clean-up about $250,000 at the time as I recall.
Anyway....."small world". :)
Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog