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Re: How and Where

To: Bob <rcampion@usadatanet.net>
Subject: Re: How and Where
From: "Brad Fornal" <tequila.brad@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 18:41:49 -0500
I looked on our 68, and under the bugeye bonnet, and I can't see it. I KNOW
I saw it on Mike's 68, as he has a title for a Midget, but the # was for a
Another place to look is in the right hand footwell (passenger side in the
US) right in front of the stiffening rail. There was a # there on Mikes car
as well. My bug has been fiberglassed there, and the 68 still has all the
rubber insulation, so I couldn't see the number their either.


On 7/4/06, Bob <rcampion@usadatanet.net> wrote:
> How do you get the rear wheel cylinders off.  Haynes says  "slide cylinder
> forward.  Pivot the cylinder to withdraw etc"  but we can't get it
> out.  The
> arm to the hand brake cable is still in it.  Does it come out first?
> We need to order parts, but still are not sure what we have here.  We were
> told the real chassis number is stamped behind the suspension mount on the
> passenger side just below the shock absorber.  Well, I am a novice and
> can't
> find it.  Could you perhaps help me out with a picture from the parts
> catalogs or Haynes or Leyland manual?  A page and part number it would be
> on, or something very basic to find.
> Am finding white paint under crease and grime I have scraped off.  Car now
> is an ugly red.
> Thanks in advance..
> Bob...
> 61 Sprite that ain't quite right
> --
> www.myspace.com/tequilabrad

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