On 7/2/06, b-evans@earthlink.net <b-evans@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I have tried doing some non-physically threatening work putting simple
> things back together. A few minutes ago, I bent over a few minutes
> putting the gearbox remote control cover back on. When I tried to stand
> up straight, my back told me how incredibly stupid I had been. Then,
> Pam told me the same thing. But I gotta do some of these things.
Damit, Buster. You don't hafta do anything until we get there. There will
be 17 of us for Crisake!!! There aren't that many parts on a spridget if
each of us does 2 or 3!! Your job is to figure out how to organize us all
and keep Frank from doing the whole thing in the first 2 hours he is
there! ;-)
Jim - 68 Midget in Dodge City