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The Speed, er Nascar Channel

To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: The Speed, er Nascar Channel
From: Jay Fishbein <type79@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 12:31:20 -0400
Speed dumps Two-Wheel Tuesday
In its ever-widening quest to promote NASCAR, Harleys and half-baked 
reality shows, SpeedTV has axed another in a long string of halfway 
decent programs that gave the rest of us a reason to tune in once in a 
Two Wheel Tuesday was just about the only television program that 
provided coverage of any of the major motorcycle racing venues and also 
did a good job covering any news items of interest to motorcyclists. The 
program kicked off a weekly series of motorcycle-related shows on the 
network and had been on the air for three and a half years.
If you're a fan of MotoGP or AMA road racing, start watching now, 
because it won't be long before there's something more mainstream in its 
place. Case in point: Now airing on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. EST in Two 
Wheel Tuesday's timeslot? American Thunder. Hey, you can never have 
enough Harley shows. Just ask the Discovery Channel.
- By Craig Fitzgerald

jay fishbein
wallingford, ct


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ordered French Toast during the Renaissance." Steven Wright

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