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Re: Today's date

To: "Jim Johnson" <bmwwxman@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Today's date
From: rrengineer@dslextreme.com
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 10:44:00 -0700 (PDT)
It was me that said that Jim.  And if you are going to sterotype Harley
riders by saying "it comes with the territory"  you might as well know
that most Harley riders think of the BMW crowd as the bike for the old
grey haired man. ;^)
Mike MacLean
If it's got 2 wheels or it's from Great Britain I'd like to drive it!

Jim Johnson
> On 6/6/06, rrengineer@dslextreme.com <rrengineer@dslextreme.com> wrote:
>> Seems to be a lot of crap given to Harley Davidson owners on this list.
> Comes with the territory, Tim.  Especially from us BMW guys.  We
> figure if you're tough enough to ride a Harley, then you should be
> able to handle it.     ;-)
> Cheers!!
> Jim - Bavarian Manure Wagons & 68 Midget in Dodge City
> --
> 1964 R60/2 BMW
> 1968 MG Midget
> 1976 R90/6 BMW
> 1990 K100LT BMW
> **Heaven is described as French food, German machinery, and English
> comedians
> Hell is British food, French machinery and German comedians!!**

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