it is exactly because of uninsured motorists
who initially provide proof of insurance prior to subsequently cancelling same
registration (renewal) has been approved
that our system has been upgraded as
previously specified.
But obviously, with the number of cars on
our roads (and your's) the chances of getting caught are pretty much next to
nil. The cost of paying a dept of people to
actively "pursue" is not financially feasible
of course.
Still, in any stop, one has to show proof of
insurance along with the other usual
I acknowledge CA and other states must have a horrendous major problem in this
respect considering their proximity to our Southern border.
this is the fault of both Federal and State
politicians & authorities who've decided to ignore our country's immigration
and are thus irresponsibly costing the general public a bundle in so many ways.
But speaking of "costs", I love the reasoning.....
"But we need cheap labor"!!! Sure we do....
Well...some business's do to stay alive...but
damn few!!!
Consider.....we live
in a country wherein the average CEO
and "5th floor" types in general make
500 TIMES what the "average" worker makes. Obviously there's
plenty of $$$ to pay American salaries to American workers....but the boys
"up stairs" know no bounds when it comes
to personal greed and then of course, there are the stockholders to please.
Better in their pocket than Mr. Joe Average
so they love cheap do our politicians who thrive on corporate
contributions and who cowtow to the
minority vote.
So now we all spring for higher insurance
costs inclusive of "uninsured motorist". And
a whole bunch of other costs associated
with "freebies" given to those who don't
belong here by law to begin with.
"Thank you" socially responsbile corporate
and political leaders....way to go. But things
will be OK in my lifetime. Wouldn't want to
be a kid growing up today, though.
Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog