You need to measure the voltage at the solenoid when you turn the key to
"start" before you can determine if it is the key switch. Remove the connection
at the solenoid that comes from the key switch, refer to a wiring diagram if
you have one. Use a voltmeter and measure the voltage at the wire end, if you
have 0 volts, the switch or wire is bad, assuming you have power to the key
switch that is.
There should be approximately 12 volts.
A wiring diagram comes in handy for problems like this.
Alternatively to test the solenoid, attach a short clip lead (wire) from the
plus side of the battery to the solenoid connection where the key switch wire
normally goes. If the solenoid is good it should engage and the starter should
turn. Assuming of course that the solenoid is installed properly.
Good luck,
-------------- Original message --------------
> Well yet again we have another electrical problem. This time we think
> we have figured out what the problem is though. The car is getting
> electric but is not starting. We know it is getting electric because
> the fuel pump is clicking indicating that it is working. We can jump
> the solenoid and start it but we are sure it is not the solenoid since
> we just got a new one. I know it is a Lucas so that does not mean it
> actually works but we tested it with the voltometer and know it is
> getting juice. We are in need of an ignition switch for a 74 Midget.
> Does anyone know where we can get an inexpensive one? The one in Moss
> is $200 for the whole kit but we really only need the electrical part.