> >
> Yeah, but I can provide the FREE food, beer, AND and the opportunity to
> enjoy the Disneyland fireworks while relaxing IN our pool and spa from a
> tropical setting. And free room and board. And our free personal
> shuttle to Disneyland and Knott's. And a free VW van to see the sights
> of Southern California.
I have never charged a guest for food or beverage! My steaks do not require
a knife, they are so tender. Our pool is always open, heated and filtered.
I have one guest room, 3 recliners, and camping space for 100 or more.
Guests may have free access to Norman the Neon, with an A/C that will freeze
coffee in 15 minutes, or they may explore the many mountain hideaways with
Brutus the crewcab. Were you aware that there is a location near here known
as the Swiss Alps of Nevada? Who needs the crowds at Di$neyland?
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