anodised metals ferrous or not do not look anything like a painted finish
or hot coating.
and you just wait untill you "scratch" the nice clear coating the body man
sprays on the highly polished aluminum surface (wich if properly polished
will not hold any finish you attempt to put on it due to the finish being
unable to bond to the polished surface!).
if you want a long lasting finish that does not require constant polishing
, removal and refinishing, and fussing over, anodise!
> [Original Message]
> From: Dan Gillitzer <>
> To: <>
> Date: 08/13/2005 5:02:36 PM
> Subject: Another metal refinishing question
> I have been checking out info on anodizing, I at least have a crude
> understanding of what anodizing is now. What about an alternative to
> anodizing? A thought I had was to just have a body shop professionally
> coat the strips after I've sanded and polished them, would this work? Or
> about these places that "jet coat" or "powder coat" metals, would that be
> acceptable substitute, or won't look right at all?
> Dan