Well, I bought my Midget a present this week. One of the new 123Mini
distributors from TDC Performance (http://www.tdcperformance.ca) as
developed with the aid of Marcell Chichak of Mini fame. Both mechanical and
vacuum advance are solid state and there are 16 mechanical advance curves
programmed into it as four families of four curves each, each family
representing a certain number of total degrees of advance. Strangely enough,
all of their lists of cars are Minis ;-)
Since they do not have right-angle plug leads, these might not fit a RHD
Spridget very well, but I do not know.
It certainly was easy to install... Set the new dizzy to advance curve #6 as
recommeded by Marcel, moved engine to TDC at number 1 firing point, slipped
the old dizzy out, oriented the new dizzy accordingly and slipped it into
place, connected the + lead and rotated the dizzy until the green led
illuminated properly so that it would be close enough to fire, attached the
plug leads, fired it up and timed it with the light. Then I took it around
the block. I should know more by the time I get home from tomorrow's
Now I have to wait for my box of parts from Joe Curto so I can finish
rebuilding a pair of HS2 carbs that have the ported vacuum as desired for
this distributor. There is always something!
David Lieb
1972 Midget with a few original parts left