I like your compression #'s....I bet it goes
like hell! :):)
Ass-u-me(ing) you are using a 20/50 NON-
synthetic oil, the difference between wet and dry compression figures MAY be the
answer to a quart every 400 miles despite
excellent engine performance.
A leakdown check may help to confirm how
much compression may be escaping and
most importantly, the source of same (valves or rings).
With such high compression, whatever
oil is getting into the combustion process
is obviously getting pretty much burned off
rather than escaping as "blue" smoke except during the (relatively) "cooler"
periods of deceleration.
Of course we are ass-u-me(ing) you are
"using" it rather than "losing" (leaking) it? :)
Incidentally, where did you come up with
a total advance of 35 degrees at 12.0-1
using today's "garbage" octane premiums?
Sounds like a little much even with the
cooler running alum. head. You using a mix
of unleaded pump premium and racing
octanes (CAM2, Turboblue, etc.)?
Cap'n Bob
Quick Frog