I have a leather bound program to the Kennedy Inaugaral Ceremony. It has
someones name on it, perhaps they were an attendee that R.S.V.P.d in time.
Anyway, I was at the flea market, looking at this guys books, and looking at
this one in particular. He says "Take it, I am tired of hauling it around".
No idea what it is worth either.
----- Original Message -----
From Jim Johnson
Sent: 6/27/2005 8:48:55 AM
To: toyman@digitex.net
Cc: dbl@chicagolandmgclub.com;spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: High Priced Books
> Hey Brad,
> Yard sales are a great place to make money on rare and old books!
> Most people have no idea what old books are worth and could care less.
> A couple of years back I found a first edition of Mark Twain's The
> Adventures of Huckleberry Finn at a garage sale
> <http://dialog.ua.edu/dialog20040426/bookgift20040426.html>. Haven't
> got a collector's price on it yet but I think it will pay for my gas
> too and from the yard sale.... ;-)
> Cheers!!
> Jim - chekcing out old books in Dodge City....