Driving lights used to come in two basic patterns.
Pencil beam and fan. Fan with sharp cutoff and wide pattern
for fog (and not offending as many folks) - and way out ahead
driving lights for high speed, but blinding to cars ahead.
You can get good ones and aim them carefully and use
relays to get full power and have switches to stay out
of trouble. Many driving lights, if uncovered, invite a
bashing by an officer. Good fog lites and a cafe certificate
will help, at least in California. You can even hop up a
legal light with stronger bulbs.
Problem is there are too many people out there on the roads,
so your chances of using the lights are becoming less and less.
You must always use your regular lights in addition to the
auxilliary lights. When you dim from the super brights, there
seems little middle ground - it'll feel like you've gone blind.
I guess the best advice I can give is to use relays and good wire
on your regular or better headlights, QI/ Halogen bulbs and all,
and then go to the trouble of aimong them. They will be so much
better than the original, underpowered equipment, you then have
surprisingly good low and high beams, period.
While at it, replace the stop and tail lights with the new gizmos.
They really do work and might just save your life.
David McCartney / Captain Rapture
BCAH@aol.com wrote:
> Hello all,---does anyone know of a source for a "pencil beam" aux driving
> light? Are the driving lights sold by the usual sources really any better than
> the standard headlights? Bob C