Now that I have your attention!!!!! Lol
It is that time again and we are planning a get-together of all interested
LBC people to share some food, drink, cars and some lies about car stuff and
good times.
This is the 2nd annual, third time bi yearly event, (or what ever you want
to call it.
After talking to several of the people who attended last year we have
narrowed it down to two dates. Sat July 16 or Sunday July 17.
If you are interested in joining us, e-mail me your preference of those two
dates and we can start to work out the details. We are thinking around noon
in a park somewhere.
I will let people know in three notices in the up coming weeks.
Bob in San Diego
".......Life is NOT a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving
safely in pretty good shape and in a well preserved body.....but rather to
skid in broadside on two wheels in a cloud of dust, thoroughly used up,
totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming......."WOW.....What A Ride....!"
---Author Unkown---
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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