Since we've seem to have run off the cliff on this F1 debacle, would anyone
care to have a spirited debate on this equally important news item?
(I'm sending this direct from the earthlink server since all of my regular
emails keep bouncing back from
-----Original Message-----
From Mike Rambour <mikey at>
Sent: Jun 20, 2005 2:23 PM
To: James Juhas <>
Cc: spridgets <>
Subject: Re: United States Not-so-Gran Prix
At 11:08 AM 6/20/2005, James Juhas wrote:
>Okay, here's a point I don't understand. I read that the Michelin tired
>teams offered to run the race as non-points if they could get a
>chicane. Why, then, if they were willing to do that, would they be
>reluctant to take a points penalty for changing tires between qualifying
>and racing????
Because no points would have been no points for everyone including the
teams running Bridgestones so it would have had no effect on the end of the
season results. A points penalty would alter the end of season results
since they most likely would have lost to the teams running on Bridgestones
due to their forced lower speeds and non-competiveness. A no points race
would have just been a show for the fans with no meaningful results for the
I personally think that rescheduling to next Sunday should have been an
option since that is a free weekend anyway it would not have altered the
rest of the season. I did not like the idea of altering the course on race
day, I think that could have been even more dangerous. Probably the best
choice was cancelling the stupid one tire rule for this race (or better
yet, forever).
jay fishbein
wallingford, ct