Streetrod suppliers. You can get it in rolls. I had posted to the list
some time ago where I got mine. It was Speedway Motors in Kansas.
Link> spring liner
3 widths $12-$14 a 20ft roll.
Dave & Bobbie
David Lieb wrote:
> Well, I decided to look into the option of getting my springs
> de-arched by the local spring shop. They assured me that they would be
> delighted to do it for me (they did a fine job on my springs for my
> MGB a number of years ago), but that they did not have spring liners
> narrow enough for a Midget (1.5"). They will be happy to install them
> if I can supply the liners, however. Anybody have a good source for
> spring liners?
> David Lieb
> Your messages not reaching the list?