Jerry ... Great news !
'75 Midget
-----Original Message-----
From owner-spridgets at []
On Behalf Of Jerry Goodman
Sent: June 8, 2005 10:05 PM
Subject: HELP...SOLVED!!!!! SOLVED!!!! SOLVED!!!
Benjamin Franklin said "The things which hurt instruct" Todays version "if
doesn't kill you it makes you stronger" Well this has been one heck of an
Sprite education the last 2 weeks.
First I must once again thank Mike McLean for sending a working fuel pump to
switch out and test with, and Larry Miller..who sent an entire dizzy ready
to drop in....and all of you who contributed your ideas.....and last but not
least Dave Leib for 2 evenings and hours of his personal time. You are
probably wondering what was the problem. Here it is......At the
bottom of each carb where the float bowl attaches there are 2 rubber
grommets....on the rear carb there was a leak, so that was the 1st thing I
replaced last week...didn't want fuel leaking on the exhaust. From there I
did everything
else mentioned in other emails.. Tonight Dave looked at the front carb and
said" lets take this float bowl entirely off and check it out." As I
removed the bolt which has a hole horizontal thru it for fuel to flow it
became apparent that it was not right....some small pieces of rubber fell
off , and low and behold the rubber grommets were all stretched out and
covering part of the horizontal hole.......restricting fuel at high rpm.
After I danced around, Dave and I went for a cruise thru the
neighborhood......sweet success.
I missed an autocross last week but, thinking about it now I really got an
education, was probably worth it.
Thanks once again to all for parts, and to those of you who contibuted
Oh yes the part cost $1.95 geezz
Now I can get a good nights sleep
Jerry G
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