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Re: Full Advance

To: Bud Pazur <bpazur@excel.net>, Team Thicko <team-thicko@autox.team.net>, Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Full Advance
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 01:43:12 GMT j591ieJQ021576
Wrongo, Bud Pazur....

..a less than scientific approach just won't
do, providing you want the best YOUR
engine will deliver. And, thus....
....you WILL go the dyno route....'cause that's
the only way you're gonna know what your
specific engine in it's specific state of tune
NEEDS to develop best torque (gets you
there) and best HP (keeps you there).

Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog

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