Hey Bob,
I finally found a car shipper that was actually pretty affordable and
had a good reputation. It only took 3 days to get the car down here
on a 2-car flatbed trailer. Considering what I would have spent on a
one way plane ticket to NJ, a hotel for a night, and gas, the shipping
price was well worth it. Plus, I didn't have to worry about any
surprises from the starter, alternator, carb, ect... on the way down.
Luckily, my car made it down here in the same condition I left it in.
Best Regards,
On 6/7/05, Bob Van Kirk <racerbob70@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Okay, how did you get it here??????? Now with cars
> around here with headlights and taillights out, broken
> windshields, no exhaust, bald tires, and doors belted
> closed I don't think you have anything to worry about.
> And lets not forget the suggestion of a max speed of
> 55 on the perimeter.
> Bob, refugee from PA stuck in Newnan..
> --- John Gottstein <gottstein@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hear Ye, Hear Ye,
> >
> > Just how much of a target am I with NJ Historic
> > plates on it?
> >
> > John
> >
> > 1975 Midget
> >
> >
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