I remain unconvinced that a properly installed rollbar of either type is a
waste of money, etc. A little protection is
worth more than none at all. A correctly
installed rollbar also help to generally "stiffen" the structure as well.
Thing is, you don't want to use a shoulder
harness with the street bar (which allows
use of the convertible top) for reasons already expressed by the Bradster.
Hopefully, you will have the presence of mind (and time and circumstances will
allow) to duck sideways towards the pax
seat as you hold onto the gear lever and
whatever else you can get your hands on
to keep your head/upper body within the
confines of the cockpit.
I mean, let's face it....when it gets this bad
it's all mostly a matter of luck anyway, in
consideration of the forces involved, etc.
But in such circumstance, methinks I would rather have "some" bar rather than
no bar
at all.
Cap'n Bob
'60 :{)