Just a pass along from the local British car club here in NJ.
This is one last reminder that the British car show in Point Pleasant
Beach is this Sunday, May 1, from 12:00 to 4:00 PM. This show is part of
a larger Cruise-In type event held by the Point Beach Chamber of Commerce.
While the Cruise-In is a street event, we have been given a special
location in the municipal parking lot on Arnold and Bay Avenues to set
up a display of British Cars. You may have seen the ad in last Sunday's
Asbury Park Press calling for British cars to attend.
The event will feature live entertainment, a radio station broadcasting
live, street food vendors and of course, all the local restaurants and
shops will be open. We are the host club for the British car display so
it would be nice if we could bring as many cars to the event as possible.
The weather forecast calls for partly cloudy skies but no rain until
later in the evening, so please come out and join us. Hours are
12:00-4:00 PM in the parking lot at Arnold and Bay Avenues in Point
Pleasant Beach. See you there!