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Re: BE Bonnet ( was ashtrays )

To: <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: BE Bonnet ( was ashtrays )
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 10:13:18 -0400
And the reason I ask, is because I seem to have screwed up and I may have 
decisions to make.

To try and keep this as concise as possible, I bought a Maniflow intake from 
APT and had it machined there.  

When I sent David the link to the K&Ns the other day, he said something to the 
effect of "wait a minute.  Do you currently have a Mini 30 degree intake 
installed?"  I haven't checked that out yet, but, if I install the 20 degree 
intake then my SUs will move . . . probably out of the existing hump. :(


hump ( if you have good eyes and monitor )

Of course, where did those SUs come from then.  I have to keep the floats 
level, don't I?  I guess that determines how they mount.  I may have just 
bought some scrap metal.  The SUs are supposed to be from a UK spec MGB.  What 
angle are they supposed to mount at?

Now, the obvious first thing to check is the existing intake to find out what 
it really is.  If I only had more than 5 minutes at a time.

Our basement is in week 8 of an estimated 2 week repair with about 2 and a half 
weeks remaining.  Chaos!

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Robert E. Shlafer [mailto:PilotRob@webtv.net]
> > "Does the BE bonnet buy more clearance
> > (within) from the top (of the engine, etc.)."
> > 
> Damn good question! I dunno!
> Cap'n Bob

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