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Brake Question-No Clue

To: <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Brake Question-No Clue
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 17:15:34 -0400
Hey, Guys,

   Thanks for the various advice.
   Just returned from the garage. We firmed up connections, inspected
everything, bled the thing for the countless time: no luck. The three-way
still has minimal seepage apparently around threads of one fitting . I suspect
the badly corroded/seized original fitting caused this as it was with the
defective banjo. How such a minor leak could bring on the trouble beats me,
but looks like we`re going to have to replace the T anyway. So we`ll do the
flex hose too and see what happens.
    I didn`t like that poorly fitting aftermarket WC. If this doesn`t work,
that`s going next.
   Biff``s thought on the drums makes good sense. The front drums need
adjusters nearly full out to seat. I expect they are pretty ground out. Rear
not so much, but I`d better check this not knowing much of the history of the
car. We didn`t have them turned, just sanded.
   I`ve heard the bad stuff about Apple. After the fact, though. First MC they
sent was bad. The pushrods, even fully retracted, still shoved the pistons in
about 1/4". Didn`t explore it to see why. Strange.
    White Post sleeved my Bugeye MC in 91. About $100 then. I rebuilt it from
Moss parts and it does fine. They probably cost more than others, but I plan
use White Post again when I do the Midget this summer.
     When I clamped the R hose once more today, the A`s pedal felt perfect. So
I`m sure the problem is back there someplace. We are going to try what you
guys suggest, certainly can`t hurt. If this were my car, I`d be having a cat
fit...(I told George to drop one of those blue tablets in the reservoir, see
if that firms it up. He didn`t think it funny.)      Gheese!
   I`ll let you know what we eventually find out.


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