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Re: Bugzuki Update

To: William Thompson <willy1959@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Bugzuki Update
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 13:12:00 GMT j31DE7E9004690
Cc: Larry & Sandi Miller <millerls@ado13.com>, Bugeye <bugeye@yahoogroups.com>, Spridget <spridgets@autox.team.net>
"Where do you get air filters?"

K&N, APT, Pierce Manifolds....:)

You may have to do a little cutting or shifting of other stuff to fit the 
filter it is reasonably easiest to fit.  

Fr'instance, when I intalled the 45DCOE
on my '74 Midget, I had to cut the hood's
rain gutter out a bit, cut the top of the left
inner wheel well (to "flatten" the curve) and well a flat piece of metal in 
there and
move the windshield wiper motor way back
in it's "clip" to get this object out of the way of the 3.5" deep K&N filter I 
installed, using a 6" intake manifold between the carb/engine, "length" of
induction system being good for low/mid-
range torque. I then used the "short"
velocity stacks to ensure max clearance
to the filter's outside plate for good,
unobstructed inbound airflow.

It is the last part of the foregoing that makes me a big fan of the cold air 
box such
as can be found on Jacques LaClainche's
website, 'cause not only can you use the
longer velocity stacks to make up for
"shorty" intake manifolds (if that's what
you happen to be using), but the box allows for cooler outside air as a source
for induction air which is good for power,
unless you're driving around in very cold
temps.....in which case you simply put the
end of the duct into the engine compartment rather than extending it
beyond, into the grille area. Best of all
worlds!! :):)

Cap'n Bob
Basic :{) 

along with the fact the cooler ducted outside air is better for power
than the warmer air found within the
engine compartment, assuming outside
air temps higher than freezing!! :):)

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