I'd certainly consider changing the ring gear before I started filing teeth
on a bad one. Putting on a new one is easy with a BBQ (for the ring gear),
a freezer(for the flywheel), and a glove (for your hand, of course!)
And hey! When are we going to see your G-Tech numbers and move it on to the
next lister? Quit burning starters and burn some rubber.
> My plan for both these issues is to:
> - get the tranny out
> - open the tranny and see what I can do for the first gear
> - while the tranny is out, I should have access to the flywheel and be
> able to file the offensive teethes on the flywheel.
> - Do you think that this is a good plan?
> - How hard is it to replace wheels in the gearbox? Am I over my head?
> - Can I remove the tranny without removing the engine?
> Cyrille, 1978 midget: Lil1