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Re: Philadelphia British Car Swap Meet

To: Kevin Valentine <kevin@valentinephoto.net>
Subject: Re: Philadelphia British Car Swap Meet
From: "William M. Gilroy" <w.lists@verizon.net>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 07:59:11 -0500
Cc: Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>,Rob Valentine <robert@valentinephoto.net>,Steve Harding <mgbgt1@hotmail.com>,James Schulte <schultejim@msn.com>
Delivered-to: mharc@demo.fatchancegarage.com
In-reply-to: <e2a1934e52973bd2ead6527b92f043af@valentinephoto.net>
Organization: Home for the faded LBC
References: <e2a1934e52973bd2ead6527b92f043af@valentinephoto.net>
Reply-to: "William M. Gilroy" <w.lists@verizon.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
User-agent: KMail/1.7.1
On Sunday 13 March 2005 07:38 pm, Kevin Valentine wrote:
> Most of us managed to find something among the sparse pickings to
> purchase and bring home.

I got a couple of new lenses and tail light mount to replace the one that was 
smashed by someone with a bat.  Worked out well for me.
> The "Spridgets Luncheon" was enjoyed as usual.

Nine of us packed into the back a typical diner with your typical diner 

I noticed last night that my forehead and nose were pink.  Am I the only pasty 
white boy who got some color?



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