Anyone taken a serious look at this site
Fuel Injection for 1 1/2 to 1 3/4" SU's. Not sure of the application on
Spridgets or the price but I know several folks have expressed an interest over
the past few years in experimenting with fuel injection to replace the
venerable SU's. This could spark some interesting debate on the list as it's
been rather quiet the past few days.
Beautiful day Saturday in Dayton. Went out to the garage and started up Bugsy
who fired up without a complaint after about 30 seconds of cranking. No missing
and engine sounded strong just wanting to get out and get some exercise.
Unfortunately no time for Bugsy to go on a romp today. Spring is coming I can
feel it.
Jim Gruber
Bugsy '68 Sprite (future Bugeye in disguise)
Cincinnati, OH
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