Hello Spridget fans!
In just a few short weeks most of us will be celebrating the holidays with our
loved ones, and our focus will be all about spending quality time with our
family members and good friends. When all good tidings have been fulfilled,
and life is back on its twisty track, many of us will begin thinking about our
less human, but no less loved British driving machines. As a matter of fact,
Im hoping that many of you will begin thinking about the exciting 9th Annual
British Car Week!
The 9th Annual British Car Week takes place during the week of May 28 to June
5, 2005. This is a special 9-day extended British car promotional week
intended for all classic British car enthusiasts to help promote all things
associated with British cars! If your car is safely licensed to drive, then
you can drive it around town during this week to show all of your local
townspeople that these cars continue to provide as much enjoyment as ever!
If your car is a race prepared bad-boy then race it! If it's been shined like
a diamond jewel and has been restored to perfection, then show it off! If it's
a project car that has been hidden away in the garage, then drag it out to the
street and let everybody in the neighborhood know what you've been doing
inside that garage with the door closed for so long! In any event, no matter
what year, what condition, what color, size or shape, do whatever you can to
help promote the British car hobby in your community for those who don't know
about British cars and the fulfilling hobby we all enjoy so much.
Songwriter Steve Forbert once wrote, "Driving a Jaguar's impressive, but you
can't see it go by....." You may be one person enjoying the ride, but just
think of all the people who enjoy watching you drive by.
Lastly, I am currently working on updating the British Car Week events page,
so if any of you have a British car related event that you would like to share
with all of us, please be sure to let us all know about it by sending it to
this e-mail address.
As a favor in return, I hope that you will take the time to share this message
with others so they can also add British Car Week to their event listings.
Thanks, and have a fun-filled 2005 driving season!
Scott Helms