It is a lot of work that I didn't expect for this engine, that's why I
bought a fully assembled head. I suspected that all of the heads are
that way since that surface is controlled by the casting pattern. A call
to the factory tech line confirmed that they are all tapped that way.
With over a thousand sold they haven't had a problem and I am the first
to complain! I am sensitive enough to not bash people that are supplying
parts for our LBC's, but I have to believe this was an oversight in
design. I certainly can't install it this way.
Robert E. Shlafer wrote:
>I did not notice this with my alum. head
>nor did the machinist who just cut the head find any evidence of what
>you speak
>of. I may have missed it but he would not
>have, for sure.
>I would think any "sharp" metal edges
>within the combustion chamber would
>be a definite no-no, type of metal
>notwithstanding. Get rid of it (gently) and
>it becomes a non-issue.
>Cap'n. Bob
> '60 :{)