Larry Daniels wrote:
> I will be needing a bit of painting on my LBC's this winter.
I have painted a car with a $99 craftsman gravity feed and it came out
pretty good. I recently painted my big Healey using my son's Sata $600
gun, it came out PERFECT!
I painted 2.5 cars in my life but I have sprayed lots of cars with primer.
Buy the best gun you can afford, not saying you need a $600 gun to learn
with, my son learned with the $99 gun but now he paints several cars a
year and he can recoup the cost of his gun a little on each job.
It's his hobby too, not his business, but he has the knack for the gun.
My secret is several light coats with the last coat being a bit heavy or
"wet". With lots of paint on the car, you can always wet sand any runs
or sags, even orange peel.
Blow out the garage with the leaf blower an hour before you paint, wet
the floor and paint while the floor is damp, not puddles. Water on the
hose dragging on the floor will drip on the paint for sure. But the damp
floor will keep the dust down.
I have also learned that a small exhaust fan works better than a large
fan. Seems I get less dust in the paint when I use the small fan just to
exhaust the haze. The big 3 speed window fan makes dust and sucks it
across the new paint. The little desk top fan on low doesn't kick up any
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
The BETTER not BIGGER Healeys
Participate in Democracy.
"In the end, we will not so much remember the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends." Martin Luther King, Jr.