Excuse me "Is that "Agreed Value" or "STATED Amount"?
jay fishbein
wallingford, ct
http://home.ix.netcom.com/~type79/ <http://home.ix.netcom.com/%7Etype79/>
Jay Fishbein wrote:
>Is that "Agreed Value" or "State Amount"?
>Glen Byrns wrote:
>>I insure all my cars with AAA (one '58, two '59s). They have been
>>very reasonable at agreeing to insuire at the value I place on them.
>>I have a value of 10K on the bugeye, 5K on the Austin saloon, and 10K
>>on the Traveller. They said "No problem", but also suggested that I
>>keep a set of pictures documenting the condition of each.
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