Head retorque should be done closer to 50-60 miles worth of use rather than
3 years worth. It is to accommodate initial component settling. You may be
breaking a seal that has consolidated over time and the peace of mind comes
from not having to do it!!!
If there are no leaks, don't fix it!
If there are leaks find out why, don't just tighten the studs and hope it
will go away.....
Guy R Day
Subject: Re: Retorquing Head
In a message dated 10/30/04 4:26:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,
lbcs@earthlink.net writes:
> Why do a retorque just for the heck of it? I don't
> regularly retorque the head bolts on any of my vehicles.
I'm not sure about 3 years--I assume it would provide some peace of mind
knowing that at least the head bolts were spec. But is IS recommended to do
retorque after so many miles after the head has been reinstalled.
--David C.
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