----- Original Message -----
From "Rick Lindsay" <rick at stoolhead.com>
I am tempted to just buy another DGV and replace
this one but I hate hemmoraging more cash on this
car. I'm only going to sell it. The original
manifold and carb are long gone so I am kinda
rick / Tulsa, OK
I picked up a DGAV w/ manifold in a package deal for my B, but decided to go
with a 38 DGES instead because of other mods I made to the B. I have
considered keeping the DGAV for my new Midget, but am not real sure what
direction I will go with it (lots to learn there -- plus that is more of a
future project). If you really are looking at a new (used) DGV, I might be
persuaded to let it go. I might even be willing to take a partial trade of
your DGV and fool around with it for fun. If you get to that point, let me
Larry Daniels
1979 MGB LE
72 Midget
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