When my MGB sputtered incessantly, off and on, I was convinced it was ignition,
because the sage advice is that ignition is the source of most SU problems. By
the time I got to the clogged fuel lines that were causing the problem, I had a
spot-on ignition set up in place. Maybe you are just the other way around.
But if it is a fuel problem, I would look closely at the possibility of floats
hanging up, the needle and seat leaking or sticking, or the float itself
sticking somehow.
A friend of mine, when setting an adjustable fuel pressure regulator, ran a
pressure gauge on the car to the cockpit where he could watch it under operating
conditions. That would let you confirm that fuel is getting to the front of the
car all the time.
Then maybe, you could substitute known good carbs from a willing friend.
Anyway, that's what I would do. It sure would be helpful to determine if it
runs rich or lean when it sputters. Seems to me a rich condition would tend to
be ignition (no fire) and lean would have to be fuel delivery. Your symptoms
sound lean, though, because you say the idle increases.
How about manifold vacuum leaks? Could be intermittent.
William Thompson wrote:
> Hey Y'all
> Talked a while back about my car acting up (59 BE) and sputtering and
> such. To date these are the things I have tried
> New fuel line
> Different fuel cap
> Drained tank/fresh fuel
> New fuel pump
> New filters
> New needles and seats in the float bowls
> New spark plugs
> Have tried both with Electronic and non electronic spark
> Checked timing many times
> Have run without air filters
> Have checked mixture
> Have cleaned out bowls 5 times (or more)
> Have had Carbs off car to look
> She still will act up from time to time, seems better than it was but it
> still happens
> Today I did a very tight fast turn (180) and she started sputterin
> And got back right quickly
> Later she just started sputterin for no apparent reason, and got back
> right quick.
> The fuel line between the 2 carbs just seems suspect to me, seems like
> its too hot to the touch, but the puzzle is that it has been the same
> way since the engine was built in April and this just surfaced a month
> ago.
> Anyone have any bright idea's?
> When she is acting up, her idle increases, and then goes back down when
> she rights herself??
> The Vacuum advance is off the car (per Rivergate)